Welcome to my website!
This is Big Quiz game. This consists in answer the questions clcking on the answers of the boxes. I modified this code using different colours, adding more questions and answers, puting it on full screen an moving the boxes too.
This is the modified code:
import pgzrun
import pygame
WIDTH = 1350
HEIGHT = 700
main_box = Rect(0, 0, 1250, 350)
timer_box = Rect(0, 0, 100, 80)
answer_box1 = Rect(0, 0, 375, 150)
answer_box2 = Rect(0, 0, 375, 150)
answer_box3 = Rect(0, 0, 375, 150)
answer_box4 = Rect(0, 0, 375, 150)
main_box.move_ip(50, 40)
timer_box.move_ip(10, 30)
answer_box1.move_ip(200, 400)
answer_box2.move_ip(750, 400)
answer_box3.move_ip(200, 600)
answer_box4.move_ip(750, 600)
answer_boxes = [answer_box1, answer_box2, answer_box3, answer_box4]
score = 0
time_left = 10
q1 = ["Which country is the first in the Gini Index?",
"Panama", "South Africa", "Namibbia", "Siria", 2]
q2 = ["Which is the richest busisness?",
"Apple", "Amazon", "Google", "Intel", 1]
q3 = ["What is the country with the lowest unemployment?",
"Spain", "Greece", "China", "Japan", 4]
q4 = ["Who is the richest person right now?",
"Elon Musk", "Jeff Bezos", "Ralph Lauren", "Amancio Ortega", 1]
q5 = ["Which of these countries has the highest GDP?",
"India", "China", "Morocco", "Canada",2]
q6 = ["What is the capital?",
"Money", "A house", "A car", "All of them are correct", 4]
q7 = ["What is the income of a busissness?",
"The money it does", "The money it wants", "The money it expends", "The objects that it sells", 1]
q8 = ["Who is the actual president of the USA?",
"Joe Biden", "John F. Kennedy", "Donald Trump", "Michael Jordan", 1]
q9 = ["When was made the first Bitcoin?",
"1999", "2005", "2007", "2009", 4]
q10 = ["What sport makes the more money?",
"American Football", "Baseball", "Golf", "Basketball", 1]
questions = [q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7, q8, q9, q10]
question = questions.pop(0)
def draw():
screen.surface = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT), pygame.FULLSCREEN)
screen.draw.filled_rect(main_box, "yellow2")
screen.draw.filled_rect(timer_box, "red2")
for box in answer_boxes:
screen.draw.filled_rect(box, "darkorchid2")
screen.draw.textbox(str(time_left), timer_box, color=("black"))
screen.draw.textbox(question[0], main_box, color=("black"))
index= 1
for box in answer_boxes:
screen.draw.textbox(question[index], box, color=("black"))
index = index + 1
def game_over():
global question, time_left
message = "Game over. You got %s questions correct" % str(score)
question = [message, "-", "-", "-", "-", 5]
time_left = 0
def correct_answer():
global question, score, time_left
score = score + 1
if questions:
question = questions.pop(0)
time_left = 10
print("End of questions")
def on_mouse_down(pos):
index = 1
for box in answer_boxes:
if box.collidepoint(pos):
print("Clicked on answer" + str(index))
if index == question[5]:
print("You got it correct!")
index = index + 1
def update_time_left():
global time_left
if time_left:
time_left = time_left - 1
clock.schedule_interval(update_time_left, 1.0)